What is the best treatment for an allergic skin rash?

25 -year-old man2 years ago
If I take an antihistamine how long before I see an improvement? Thanks!
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Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
It depends on the extent of the affected area. If it's only a restrained part that is affected, an odorless moisturizer like Aveeno or Glaxal Base are the best options, and can be applied as much as possible.
For a generalised reaction, Benadryl acts fastest but needs to be taken often and can cause a lot of drowsiness. Reactine can be a good solution as it only requires once daily dosing and is less susceptible of causing drowsiness, but may act a bit more slowly.
In both cases, a doctor should be consulted if the reaction increases or persists.
Hope this helps!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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