Side effects with blood pressure medication?

42 -year-old man4 years ago
The hypertensive Adalat and the vasodilator minoxidil cause edema in my limbs. Would you have any other treatments for hypertension to recommend? I am on hemodialysis, I am already taking irbesartan and carvedilol.
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6 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 4 years ago
Good evening sir. There are many other antihypertensives in the same and different classes as those you named. However, it would be wiser to talk to your pharmacist who is in a better position to answer you and perhaps intervene with your doctor: having your file in hand, he/she knows your history, allergies, previously tried treatments, etc. and will be able to discuss with you and your doctor possible changes, whether of doses or medications.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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