I have ovaries/uterus cramps and lots of discharge (no smell) every day, what should I do? Is it endometriosis?

20-year-old womana year ago
I got an abortion on September 20th and since then I got ovaries/uterus cramps every single day and lots of discharge (no smell). I got sick this week like the flu and now I think my symptom of cramps have worsen. And I’ve never had any sort of pain during sex and last time I got a sharp pain in lower belly.
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9 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Miss, I am sorry to read about your troubles, but the situation you are describing requires medical attention. Only doctors can provide a diagnostic and I feel like we need a clear diagnostic before we initiate a treatment option. Otherwise, we risk encountering adverse effects without the benefits, plus a delay in the management of your current situation.
I'm sorry I can't help you better right now, your situation goes beyond the scope of what can be addressed on this platform
Kindest regards
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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