Is it serious to give a dose of tempra every night to prevent the pain and discomfort of teething?

37-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my daughter has a growing tooth right now, during the day she is more mossy but at night it is worse, it wakes her up and seems to be uncomfortable, the 3 times we gave her Tempra, the rest of the night was number 1. During the day we never give her any. My question is, is it wrong to always give a dose of tempra before bedtime as a preventative measure, or should I wait until she wakes up crying? I don't want to give her some for nothing but I feel like it would prevent her from waking up crying :( thank you very much
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2 hours

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
In your baby's case, it is perfectly justifiable to give him a dose of tempra adjusted to his weight at bedtime to prevent pain during the night.
It is not recommended to do so for more than 7 consecutive days. However, you can take a break to see if the pain returns, and continue to give it at bedtime for another 7 days if it does.
Always remember not to exceed the maximum daily dose.
You will find the information on the package. You can also call the pharmacy and they will calculate the dose for you based on your child's weight.
I hope I have answered your question,
I wish you a great day!
Mac-Pherson Anacreon
Familiprix Valcourt

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