Hello, I have a mole that has turned black, should I be concerned?

25-year-old womana year ago
Change of color of a mole
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25-year-old woman · a year ago
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Madam,
It is impossible to make a decision about a mole on this platform, a medical evaluation is required. However, the acronym A.B.C.D.E can be used to get an idea:
Asymmetry: usually a mole is symmetrical.
Border: The border is usually well defined around the mole
Color: The color should be the same throughout the mole
Diameter: A mole larger than 6 mm in diameter could be suspect
Evolution: If the appearance or size changes appreciably, it could be suspicious.
If you have noticed any problem(s) with the above acronym, it would be pertinent to consult a doctor, if only as a precaution.
I hope I've been helpful, I'm still available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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