Is it the stomach flu? I haven't seen anyone (except my spouse and my 11 month old) since last Saturday. Should I be worried?

28-year-old womana year ago
I am pregnant. I had diarrhea 3 times and threw up on one occasion this morning.
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15 hours

28-year-old woman · a year ago
Oops. I seem to be missing a bit of the message. I had 3 bouts of diarrhea today as well as vomiting this morning (despite being pregnant, I've never had nausea). I am very weak. Is it the gastro? Knowing that I haven't seen anyone since last Saturday, except for the people I live with, my spouse (who works nights) and my 11 month old baby who stayed home with me all week.... I feel my baby moving in my belly a little bit! But I'm a little worried with what I read on the internet. Gastro vs food poisoning (I am the only one with these symptoms at home)....
Calin Buzdugan · a year ago
Is it possible that it is nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy? Do you have medication for this?
Do you have any other symptoms such as fever? Usually a gastroenteritis (food poisoning) will last 2-3 days.
thank you
Calin (phm)
28-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you for your quick response. I am already much better this morning. Still some loose stools, but no vomiting and my energy is back. Must be some pregnancy symptoms I didn't have with my first pregnancy. So I was in a panic yesterday. Thank you so much!

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