How do I check if my thermometer is working properly?

26-year-old womana year ago
My son has had a fever for several weeks (hospitalization) and we went out yesterday but I want to make sure I have the right numbers How do I check if my thermometer is working properly
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2 hours

26-year-old woman · a year ago
My son was born on December 30, 2021
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Unfortunately, it is impossible to know if your thermometer is working properly. If in doubt, I suggest taking a measurement with it and a second measurement with a different thermometer
26-year-old woman · a year ago
My problem is that my two thermometers don't give me the same result... one is new from last week, should I trust this one? The other one is from December
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information, I'm sorry for the delay in my response, I hadn't seen the notification!
Are the thermometers kept in the same place in the house? Are they used by the same route? Which channel do you use?
A small difference between 2 measurements or 2 thermometers can occur, but it should not exceed 1 degree.
26-year-old woman · a year ago
No problem!
both are next to each other in the room. Both take anal since he is only 10 months old
yesterday one said 39.1 and the other 39.6
considering that this could be a normal difference?
we were hospitalized for 5 days and there he was struggling when taking his temperature and only took it twice while here he takes it all the time... can the movement distort the results? Or is the problem my thermometer?
thanks for your help!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thanks for the feedback! I'm not worried about a half degree difference in this case.
Rectal measurement is the most accurate, and movement should not affect the measurement as long as the thermometer remains in place.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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