I have folliculitis treated with antibiotics and I wanted to know if putting hydrocortisone cream 0.2% on the lesions would help?

23-year-old woman4 years ago
The antibiotic is cefzil. It is extremely uncomfortable and keeps me awake. I already take reactin 20mg bid, but I have atrax 25mg tablets to take every 6-8 hours if I have giant hives. Would it help to take atarax? If so, I also have a treatment of prednisone 50mg to do if the hives don't go away, if the atarax doesn't help could I do it? Thank you for your help!
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2 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
First, you should not apply hydrocortisone to the infected skin, no. That could help increase the amount of bacteria by reducing the strength of the immune system there a little bit.
Second, for discomfort, one could take Atarax™ before bed, yes. But in my opinion, you should not take prednisone.
Good evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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