I didn't finish my weeks of taking hormones with my birth control pills but I fell into my week.

17-year-old woman3 years ago
Should I take my hormone-free pills right away or should I wait until I finish my hormone pills?
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17 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
It is common to observe early periods with the new low-dose contraceptive pills, especially in the first 3 months of treatment. This can be unpleasant, but does not diminish their contraceptive effect, as long as you do not forget to take them during the month, that you always take a minimum of 21 days of hormones in a row, and that there are no more than 7 days without hormones between 2 boxes.
You should not stop taking hormones early. It is essential to take a minimum of 21 consecutive days of hormones to maintain the contraceptive effect. I suggest that you continue taking your pill as usual, menstruation or not. You could, however, start the next pack after 5 days off instead of 7 to reduce the risk of having the same inconvenience next month.
I hope I have helped you today!

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