My two year old son has a fever often only after his afternoon nap and at night. What should I do?

29-year-old woman4 years ago
He has tubes in his ears, but no coughing nothing else, I was wondering if he had a reason ... not in the morning
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11 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
If this has been happening consistently for several weeks, one should first look at the environment in which the child naps and sleeps. So, if the room is warm or he is warmly dressed, this can potentially cause the sweats and temperature.
If the symptoms have only been present for a few days and do not occur every day, it is possible that a small infection is involved (from the ears or anywhere else in his body).
It's important to seek help when your child has had a fever for more than 3 days in a row and you have trouble finding the cause. In your case, I would add to consult in this case only if you have tried to change the napping and sleeping environment for at least 2 days and it has not changed anything.
Good evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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