My 23 month old daughter has been refusing to eat anything for a few days. She barely eats a few bites a day.

38-year-old womana year ago
Does not want to eat. She asks for food but refuses to eat it afterwards.
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3 days

Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
There are many reasons why a child may refuse to eat. She may have an infection, a stomach ache, reflux symptoms or simply doesn't like what's on her plate.
If your daughter has no other symptoms and her general condition is good, I would suggest that you first try to identify the foods she is willing to eat and give them to her more often. If she is only eating certain foods, she may just be picky eaters. In this case I suggest you read this: The Picky Eater.
Next, the most important thing is to keep your daughter hydrated. Try to give her milk or water in small amounts several times throughout the day. If she also refuses to drink and shows signs of dehydration (lack of tears, dry mouth or decreased urine output (less than 4 in 24 hours)), it's important to seek medical attention.
Finally, monitor your child's weight. If it goes on too long and you notice that she is losing weight, see a doctor.
I hope this answers your question,
Louiza Lounas, Pharmacy Intern
(Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).

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