My daughter ate a kiwi and got pins and needles on her tongue

44-year-old woman4 years ago
Can she eat it again or should I ban the fruit completely?
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
It is quite possible that the reaction is not related to an allergy, but rather an irritation related to the acidic food on the tongue. In a case like this, and if the tingling on the tongue was not accompanied by other symptoms (itchy throat, difficulty swallowing or breathing), I would suggest that we can wait for the tingling to go away and then she can go back to kiwis.
Tell me,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
44-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thank you very much ☺️
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
It feels good! :)

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