Hello, my 7 month old daughter has hemorrhoids due to constipation. What can I do to relieve her? Do I need to consult?

29-year-old woman4 years ago
We are giving her a lot more water/pruneau to avoid constipation again.
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4 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Have you ever seen a doctor for this situation or is this new?
Thank you for the clarification,
Chloe P (pharmacy student supervised by Alexander)
29-year-old woman · 4 years ago
No, the situation is new.
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Since the situation is new and your daughter's young age, I recommend that you see a doctor first to get the right diagnosis.
Since constipation seems to be the cause of the hemorrhoids, you need to treat it. You have the right reflex to give more water and prune juice. You can also increase your intake of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and legumes.
Happy day!
Chloe P (pharmacy student supervised by Alexander)

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