When should we schedule a young child's first visit to the dentist and optometrist?

25-year-old woman4 years ago
My daughter is 16 months old.
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an hour

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
It is usually recommended that children see a dentist around the age of 3. Note that at that time, the dentist's exam is free, but the dental cleaning by the hygienist is at your expense.
As for eye health, it is also recommended to go around 3 years old (or earlier if you think there may be a problem). The exam will be covered by RAMQ (until age 17).
Until then, I remind you that we should avoid exposing baby to screens before age 3, as recommended by the Canadian Pediatric Society.
For more information, I recommend that you refer to this very well done article from the Quebec Optometrists Association: https://www.aoqnet.qc.ca/votre-vision-et-vos-yeux/la-vision-selon-lage/enfants-de-0-a-11-ans/ 👈.
Happy evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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