I have dizzy spells when I get up in the morning. It hasn't happened to me for months, what should I do and is it dangerous to my health?

26-year-old womana year ago
This morning when I got up I got dizzy and had to lie down on my back to help the dizziness go away. Then I asked my mom to give me a cold washcloth and I put it on my forehead, my face on the back of my neck and little by little I managed to get up and go to the bathroom. I'm only 25 years old and on google it says that it happens more often to older people than pressure decreases.4 times before but there are several months so I would like to know if this is dangerous?
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2 hours

David Maurier · a year ago
When you go from lying down to standing up, it is indeed possible to feel dizzy, because the blood pressure can drop drastically in some people. This is a problem that is most often encountered in the elderly as you mentioned, but it is not impossible to experience these same symptoms at your age on occasion.
The best solutions to prevent the symptoms are to get up slowly when you are sitting or lying down and to stay well hydrated. If the problem persists and becomes bothersome, I recommend that you see your family doctor to find the cause. If you don't have one, you can consult the "Bonjour-Santé" website to find a medical clinic in the area that has availability.
26-year-old woman · a year ago
I would like to know if the dizziness is supposed to stay there because since yesterday it is constant last night I had trouble going to bed I cried because I was afraid and when I went to bed the dizziness was worse I would like to know what it could be even this morning I still have a little.
David Maurier · a year ago
Dizziness is a symptom that can be caused by many things and to determine the cause via teleconsultation would be virtually impossible. If the dizziness is intense, refuses to go away, is also present when you are lying down and is impacting activities, I would recommend being seen by a physician for an evaluation.
26-year-old woman · a year ago
I went to see a doctor today and he told me I was probably having labyrinthitis and he told me that he had no medication to deal with the problem that it can go on for up to 2 weeks if after 2 weeks it doesn't go back to the clinic he only gave me teva for the dizziness I was wondering why I didn't get an antibiotic because I'm in so much pain.
David Maurier · a year ago
A labyrinthitis may or may not be bacterial. So, if the doctor has assessed that there is no infection, an antibiotic would unfortunately be unnecessary.
As the doctor mentioned, it usually takes a few weeks for the symptoms to go away. During this time, all you can do is try to get relief by treating the symptoms. The 2 main treatments to try are antivertiginous drugs (like the Serc you were prescribed) and antinauseants. It is therefore important to take the medication regularly. If you have nausea or vomiting, you could try Gravol if needed.
In the meantime, let me give you a few tips to control the symptoms:
  • Move, turn or tilt your head as little as possible
  • Avoid sudden movements, especially around the head
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or coffee
  • Avoiding noisy or brightly lit places
  • Avoid reading a book (especially during dizziness) or being exposed to too much light from a telephone
26-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much
David Maurier · a year ago
No problem, have a nice evening!

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