I feel dizzy when I have a bowel movement, is this normal?

64 -year-old man7 years ago
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3 days

64 -year-old man · 7 years ago
cervical hernia c6-c7 with stenosis accident in 2005, taking imovan to sleep, good general health. I sometimes get dizzy when I force myself to go to the bathroom...my doctor tells me not to force myself...no constipation, no diarrhea.
Naji-tom Samaha · 7 years ago
Hello. You say you strain when you have a bowel movement, but that you are not constipated. Do you get dizzy with other activities? If it is only during bowel movements, or if you are not constipated but have to strain to complete the bowel movement, we have options in the pharmacy to soften the stool. I advise you to consult your pharmacist in order to suggest the best product, according to your lifestyle, allergies and other medications.

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