My boy has loose stools?

30-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, for the past few days my 3 year old boy has been having loose stools. It started on Wednesday when he had some kind of indigestion. Thursday and Friday his stools were soft/semi liquid. Saturday it seemed to be going away. Finally yesterday it started again and this morning it became very liquid again. Since the beginning his general condition is good. He has no temperature and his test was negative on Thursday. He is eating less than usual but he is still eating. He is drinking a lot of water but I am starting to worry that he is getting dehydrated. As his general condition is still good, I was wondering if there was something I could give him before I have to go to the doctor.
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Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
If your child is showing good general health, hydrating and wetting his diaper, just monitor the situation for now.
Continue to encourage her to drink often , small amounts at a time. Avoid heavy or sugary foods such as red meat and undiluted juices.
It may take a few days for his digestive system to get the hang of it, but just keep monitoring his overall condition.
I hope I've been helpful, don't hesitate if you have any more questions!
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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