Is it possible to remove it with a chiro, physio, ostheo etc?

41-year-old womana year ago
I have a hump in my neck (buffalo hump)
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12 minutes

Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
It is possible to slightly modify the appearance but not to remove it completely. Does it bring pain too?
41-year-old woman · a year ago
Not directly on the hump but I don't know if it's related but my upper back hurts (under the hump) and my arms are getting numb so I think my hump is giving me a bad posture
Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
Ahhh in this case a physiotherapist can really help you to make these sensations disappear
41-year-old woman · a year ago
Ok thanks!
Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
We offer this service if you are interested :)

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