Hello, I have an effusion of synovial fluid in my right knee. What should I do to resolve this as soon as possible?

27-year-old woman3 years ago
I can feel and see that my knee is swollen. It hurts when I bend my knees, but otherwise I just feel swelling and it prevents me from training properly.
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9 hours

Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
How long has the effusion been there and is it related to anything in particular? Is there any redness and pain as well? Do you have any allergies? Are you taking any medication?
27-year-old woman · 3 years ago
It's been there for 3-4 weeks. I work out about 4-5 times/week, so maybe it would be related to that? There is no redness and the pain only comes when I kneel. I don't have any allergies and I don't take any medication.
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
The two main causes of a synovial effusion are mechanical (due to sports trauma or osteoarthritis) or inflammatory (due to diseases of the synovial sac and joints)
In your case, it is mechanical, and may be related to a major sports effort.
The treatment of the effusion is that of its cause, it is necessary to rest and the purpose of rest in a synovial effusion is analgesic: it allows to avoid that the pocket containing the synovium is under tension.
27-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Is it good to take walks or just leave the knee extended without making any physical effort? Should I take anti-inflammatories? Should I put ice on it?
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Yes, you need to rest until the swelling subsides and indeed, the cold has an analgesic effect and increases local circulation, which helps to evacuate the waste products of the inflammation and to bring healing materials. A bag of ice cubes and cold water can be applied. This bag must be wrapped in a cloth before being applied to the joint, so as not to stick to the skin and thus, not to create frostbite, 3 times a day for 20 minutes, the icing limits the swelling.
The leg can also be elevated at night to help the knee swell. On the other hand, even if it is more comfortable, avoid putting a cushion under the knee, as it may block the extension and slow down the circulation. Stop elevating the leg when the knee is perfectly deflated.
In athletes who stop training, the swelling usually goes down in two to three weeks.
However, in case of pain, anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken for two or three days, but it is strongly recommended to do so only after a medical consultation and identification of the cause so that anti-inflammatory drugs do not mask it.

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