Can I take Dymista if it has been expired for more than a year?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
I have a lot of seasonal allergies and I found some dymista, but the expiration date is 02-2020. Can the product still work or is it dangerous? I know it's really expensive!
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an hour

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
I often compare the expiration date of medicines to that of eggs
Indeed, if the expiration date of your eggs has passed, how do you know, without breaking them, that they are still good? Would you eat them to test them?
The expiration date on the label guarantees that the medication remains effective and safe until that date if kept under normal conditions. After that date, we are in a grey area. There is no guarantee that there is as much active ingredient and that the product does not contain other impurities or degraded products
Unfortunately, it is up to you to decide whether you want to take the risk or not
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
We look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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