I am 34 weeks pregnant. I have had a headache for 5 days. My BP is normal. I take tylenol but what else can I take?

30-year-old woman4 years ago
No high blood pressure, fatigue since 3rd trimester, headache in the form of pressure on the temples. No dizziness, no blurred vision.
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3 days

Jean-Félix Côté · 4 years ago
Hello !
I hope your headaches have lessened in intensity since your question
You are doing the right thing by asking about medications that are allowed during pregnancy
In the third trimester, your options are more limited, you should indeed avoid anti-inflammatories (like Advil). You can continue acetaminophen using a dosage of 1000mg four times a day as needed for a maximum of 4000mg per day. If relief is not achieved, another pharmacy option is acetaminophen combined with codeine. It is usually recommended as a last option when pain prevents functioning. You can get it behind the counter at the pharmacy by asking around. If you take this product you will need to monitor your acetaminophen intake to stay within the allowable limit as mentioned
If you have nausea associated with headaches, Gravol may still be a good option or even better the pharmacist can prescribe you Diclectin (an anti-nausea product specially designed for pregnancy)

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