Can side effects such as reflux diminish over time when taking Desvenlafaxine (taken for 3 days)?

29-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, since 3 days, I take Apo Desvenlafaxine for a depression and since my gastric refluxes worsened a lot. Before taking Apo Desvenlafaxine, I was taking pantoprazole morning and evening for my reflux. Since 3 days, I had to add pepcid and gaviscon without reaching a great comfort zone... I have been known to have acid reflux. I am on a very strict diet. Before Desvenlafaxine, I was taking trintellix, but my reflux had increased a lot and I switched to Desvenlafaxine.
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38 minutes

29-year-old woman · 3 years ago
I would like to know if the increase in my reflux when I take Desvenlafaxine is temporary...
Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Reflux is a side effect reported with this product, even if it is not very frequent. It may be related to the tablet itself, or to a temporary increase in anxiety at the beginning of the treatment.
The symptoms usually subside within the first week. Taking it with food usually also reduces possible stomach irritation. It should also be taken whole without cutting or crushing it.
I hope I have helped you today!
29-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for your answer
Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
The pleasure was all mine!

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