Can the side effects of atb continue for some time after the end of treatment? Can probiotics help?

32-year-old womana year ago
Hello! I have had recurring sinusitis for over a year. I am on my 5th antibiotic... since my last atb (Clavulin), I am still tired, dizzy and have intestinal discomfort (stomach ache).
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13 hours

Calin Buzdugan · a year ago
Hello !
It is normal to have stomach aches even after taking an antibiotic, especially if you have been taking them a lot lately. Taking a probiotic for a few weeks could help.
However, fatigue and dizziness are not necessarily related to taking an antibiotic.
32-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you for your answer! Can iron deficiency cause dizziness? I am wondering if an iron supplement would help me regain some energy, even though I don't think I am lacking iron in my diet.
Calin Buzdugan · a year ago
For an iron deficiency, a blood test should be done to confirm or not the deficiency. Dizziness is not very specific to anemia
to anemia on the other hand.
32-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you! 😊

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