Eczema and breastfeeding

35-year-old woman5 years ago
I have eczema flare-ups and I'm breastfeeding (2 month old baby). Is there an over-the-counter cream that is safe for breastfeeding that I can use? For now, I use Aveeno unscented. Thank you for your help!
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16 hours

Maryam Alrifaee · 5 years ago
There are two types of over-the-counter cortisone creams that can relieve the symptoms of eczema and are safe to use while breastfeeding. Depending on the area of the body that is affected, you could use either Spectro eczema care or Polysporin eczema essential. Both creams are available over the counter but are usually found behind the pharmacy counter so to access them, you can ask the pharmacist. Your pharmacist will be able to help you choose the best cream for the affected areas of your body
Hopefully you will see results soon!

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