Can this heart pain be dangerous? Or is it common?

20-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I am an 18 year old woman and I sometimes have heart pain. When it happens I have to hold my chest and I am not able to inflate my chest completely when I breathe because it hurts me
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16 hours

Marie-Laurence Gauthier · a year ago
Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a diagnosis and answer you adequately on this site.
I think it would be better for you to talk about it with your doctor at your next medical appointment, in the next few weeks.
It is possible that it is muscular, at which point you could try applying heat when it occurs. There are several muscles in the rib area.
The pain from the heart presents as tightness in the chest, between the breasts, and may be accompanied by radiations to the neck, jaw and left arm. The pain would also be present even when you hold your breath. If this happens you should go to the emergency room.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful,
Marie-Laurence Gauthier, pharmacist.

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