I have pain in my arm and some swelling where I received my 3rd dose of the Gardasil 9 vaccine on November 7. Is this normal?

40-year-old woman3 years ago
I am a 36 year old woman in good health.
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23 minutes

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
It is normal to have some swelling and pain after a vaccine injection, usually mild and limited to about 48 hours. The swelling and pain should be mild and stable, and gradually improve.
Did you get your shot on November 7 or December 7?
Because if it's been swollen and painful for 1 month, that wouldn't be normal.
If you were vaccinated on November 7 and the swelling has just appeared, I could not confirm a link with the vaccine.
If the injection took place on December 7, then yes the reaction is normal, you have to keep the area clean and apply cold compresses.
40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
I did receive it on November 7, so already a month ago. I had pain within 24-48 after the injection and then the pain was gone. However, for the past 3 days, I have had pain again (coincidentally in the same place where I received the injection) as well as a little swelling and despite taking ibuprofen, it doesn't go away.
Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Public information in the monograph regarding post-vaccination reactions for Gardasil 9 is limited to 15-day periods. Muscle pain is reported, but not a return of inflammation.
I have submitted the information to the medical information department of Merck, the manufacturer of the vaccine, and will get back to you as soon as I have news.
In the meantime, if you develop a fever, if the swollen area gets bigger or if you experience symptoms throughout your body (e.g. general malaise, chills, feeling 'flu-like'...), then a doctor or specialized nurse practitioner should be consulted quickly. To quickly notice if the inflamed site is growing, outline it with a pen.
40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for the follow up, it is appreciated. I will follow your recommendations.
Thank you!
Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Good evening, I still haven't heard from the company.
How is your arm?
40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Good evening, I still have the swelling (which is like a lump) and pain to the touch. I went to my family doctor last Friday and she prescribed Naproxen for a week to try and get the swelling down and out. She can't explain what it might be related to either. I am waiting for an appointment for a surface ultrasound.
Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Hello, I still have no news from the company... (it seems to me abnormally long).
How is your arm?
40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Hi, I have almost no swelling/lumps and no pain. I guess the Naproxen helped
Thanks for asking about it!🙂

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