Could there be a connection between my neck pain and a wisdom tooth?

27 -year-old man4 years ago
December 28: toothache (wisdom tooth on the lower right) and stiffness under the jaw in the evening (10pm approximately) two Advils before bedtime 29 December: toothache (wisdom tooth at the bottom right, very moderate pain, even weak), neck pain under the jaw, small lump like a ganglion. No Advil of the day, gengigel 2x in the evening, the gum seems red. 30 December: Very weak pain, 2 Advils around 10 a.m. because I think that the wisdom tooth is only growing, "ganglion" always present and a little painful. 31 December: No pain in the tooth, gum a little red but not much, pain "ganglion" at times, pain in throat in the evening 1st January: "Ganglion" still perceptible but not painful, tooth not painful. January 2: No pain in the tooth, discovery that the gum does not seem to be stuck on the wisdom tooth, "ganglion" still present, not painful and less easy to find. Neck ache and small headache (2 advils and all is well) Gengigel on tooth, purchase of sensodine and mouthwash without alcohol. January 3: Neck pain at times, headache weak at times, no tooth pain even when touched directly, "ganglion" not very noticeable (found 1 time 10 or so and seems smaller) and not painful. No Advil use of dental products bought the day before
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8 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening sir,
Yes, it is possible. In such a situation, and considering that painkillers like Advil™ do not seem to be able to resolve the situation, it is better to go see a dentist so that the exact cause of the pain can be identified and the problem can be addressed at the root.
Good evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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