Should I put boiled water on my eye if I think I have a stye?

21-year-old womana year ago
As of tonight, I have a pretty hard bump on my upper eyelid. It does not hurt. I often get styes on my lower eyelid.
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3 hours

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
It is always difficult to answer without having a visual. However, if there is no damage to your eye, there is no significant pain and the bump does not get bigger, it is quite possible that you have a stye. In fact, a stye can affect both the upper and lower eyelids. In the meantime, you can do the boiled and cooled water compresses 2-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. If you have a heating mask, it would be even better, because the heat remains constant for longer. Also, take the time to clean the edge of your eyelid with an ophthalmic wipe or a mild soap. Finally, you can massage your eyelid from top to bottom once a day after applying heat.
If you want to confirm the presence of a stye, I recommend that you go to your local pharmacy so that the pharmacist can take the time to look at it with you. Finally, if you often have styes and they have never been evaluated, it would be a good idea to have an examination with an optometrist who can see if there is a cause for your recurring problem.
21-year-old woman · a year ago
Perfect, thank you very much!
21-year-old woman · a year ago
I had one last question about this! I put on mascara yesterday...should I throw it away?
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
Makeup such as mascara can clog pores on the eyelids and promote styes. In addition, these products can easily become contaminated when reused. So, the ideal solution is to get rid of them and avoid wearing makeup until they heal.
21-year-old woman · a year ago
Perfect, thank you for your answers!
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
We look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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