My 1 month old baby spits up his milk?

30-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my little boy will be 1 month old in 3 days and since a little more than a week, he regurgitates a lot and he doesn't have a good sleep. He wriggles and 'shits' most of the time. Also, he poops about once a day, but he forces himself throughout the day. Could this be due to the milk that doesn't fit him anymore? He is currently taking the same milk he was taking at the hospital, the good start 1 ready to serve. Should I try to change the type of milk? if so, which one should I try? if not, what are the other options?
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2 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hi, thanks for your question!
If your baby has been receiving the same milk since birth, it is unlikely that a change will be required. Several solutions can be tried for spit-up:
  • Give smaller amounts to drink, even if it means feeding the baby more often
  • Take breaks during feedings to burp the baby, holding the baby upright and rubbing the back up and down
  • Avoid putting the baby to bed or changing positions too quickly or often immediately after feeding.
For the appearance of discomfort, know that your baby is still learning to digest. What you are reporting is completely normal, and does not necessarily indicate a problem with the baby's health or development. There is no cure for this kind of 'colic', except to pamper and comfort the baby.
I hope I have reassured you, I remain available if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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