Should I consult or is this just a virus that will pass on its own? Is there anything else I can do to make this go away?

33-year-old womana year ago
Hello, Since yesterday, I have a sore throat (pain when swallowing). I have had a slight headache but it passes with tylenols. Then this evening I start to have blocked ears. No other symptoms (no nasal congestion, no cough, no fever). Covid test negative. I'm pregnant, so there is less possibility of medication. I gargle my throat with salt water, hot water with lemon and honey, nasal spray. In short, what do you think it could be? Thanks a lot!
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10 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello ma'am, I'm sorry to read about your troubles!
You did well with Tylenol, you can also take lozenges like Halls or Fisherman's Friend for local relief of throat irritation. I encourage you to drink plenty of fluids, cold or hot, as you prefer.
If your ears are not completely blocked, I suggest nasal hygiene with saline solution such as Hydrasense or Sinus Rinse which can be done as often as needed during the day and at least 30 minutes before bedtime. It is a little uncomfortable but works wonders to reduce the runny nose from the back of the throat that often causes irritation.
If your symptoms persist for more than a week without improvement, you should consult a doctor as a precaution. I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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