Who should I see if I have persistent pain during sex?

25-year-old womana year ago
I've been having pain when I have sex for about 2 years. I have seen a doctor and nurses. I have done every test possible, every screening, vaginal/uterine cultures... I don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes it doesn't hurt, but 2/3 it does. The pain is similar to if there were scabs that were ripped off but there is nothing, no pain! After intercourse it heats up and sometimes itches a little. It looks like an infection, but the tests are always negative as if I had nothing.
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17 hours

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
Pain during intercourse or vaginal pain is more common than we think in women. The cause is often not related to the vaginal flora or to an infection, so that's why your tests were negative. I cannot make a diagnosis, as this is beyond my scope of expertise. However, since your problem persists, it is worth investigating. Here are my suggestions:
  • See a physiotherapist: Some physiotherapy clinics specialize in women's health and offer perineal and pelvic rehabilitation. This type of treatment helps to reduce pain during sexual relations caused, for example, by vestibulodynia (or vulvar vestivulitis), vulvodynia or vaginismus. In Quebec City, La Femina specializes in this field. You should find out if a clinic in your area offers the same service.
  • Ask for a gynecological consultation: If you have consulted a doctor and several nurses and they cannot help you, it would be appropriate to ask for the advice of a specialist who could better guide you.
  • Finally, since your pain is only during intercourse, it may be appropriate to seek the advice of a sexologist. They often offer a second opinion with a different perspective on the problem. Some sexologists offer online consultations.
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
We hope we have helped you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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