I have been losing my hair catastrophically for a few months now! Should I take supplements and which ones?

64 -year-old man9 years ago
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2 months

64 -year-old man · 9 years ago
I am currently taking Nutricap and it is not working well.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
Considering that you are a man in his fifties, it is possible that your hair loss is hormonal in origin. Several clues could help confirm this hypothesis, such as hair loss present mostly on the top of the head, non-sudden hair loss and relatives to whom the same phenomenon has occurred. If the hair loss is sudden or patchy, I recommend that you see your doctor.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
In my opinion, taking vitamins will do very little to help your case. These vitamins are not harmful, but can be expensive for the small benefit they provide. Two pharmacological treatments are considered effective in a case like yours: minoxydil/Rogaine and finasteride/Proscar or Propecia. I will only write briefly here, because these products require a consultation with a doctor and a prescription.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
Minoxydil/Rogaine is a gel that is applied to the scalp twice a day and left on for a minimum of 4 hours per application. This product may cause irritation, itching and, more rarely, increased hair loss during the first two months. The effectiveness is observable in 2 to 12 months and in people who see an improvement, the product should be continued for life, because a few months after stopping, the hair loss will return. Note that people with heart problems and low blood pressure should be careful with this product.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
Finasteride/Proscar or Propecia appears to be quite effective, 2 out of 3 men find that their hair has grown back after starting this product and 4 out of 5 men find that the hair has stopped falling out. Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction can occur with this medication. Although not dramatic, these side effects affect only about 1 in 100 men and are reversible when the medication is stopped.

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