Can the MMR-Var vaccine cause fever and decreased appetite?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
My 12 month old baby has had a fever for about 24 hours. I have been alternating tylenol and advil since then and it seems to calm his fever but as soon as I try to space it out a bit, it comes back. Last night it was 39.6 before tylenol. Then it fell. Same thing for this morning. 39.2 then it calmed down a bit. A little bit of diharee also since yesterday. His general condition is good, he has less appetite but he eats anyway. Irritable at times. He received his 12 months vaccines 9 days ago. I read that for the MMR-Var, it can be normal to see a fever appear between the 5th and the 12th day after the vaccination.
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Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
Indeed, the vaccination can cause fever, diarrhea, and a little irritability. This is usually mild and temporary.
I must advise you that the combination of Tylenol AND Advil is not recommended for fever relief, unless medically indicated. The reason is because one of the two should be sufficient for fever. If, for example, Tylenol does not relieve the fever for at least 4 hours, or Advil for 6 hours, you should see a doctor.
Otherwise, just monitor your little one's general condition, making sure he is able to eat/drink (even if a little less), and that the symptoms seem to be subsiding.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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