I have bumps on my arm that look like mosquito bites, what can I do?

29-year-old womana year ago
Hello I noticed that I have bumps on my arms (4) that look like maringuin pimples but they don't hurt, they don't sting, they are only visible and a little bit too high.
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16 hours

29-year-old woman · a year ago
The details did not work, I have four small bumps on my arms that look like maringuin pimples but they do not sting and are not painful
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Madam, would it be possible to upload some well-lit images?
Would you be able to identify possible causes such as exposure to a product or other?
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
I have not received any feedback from you.
I invite you to contact your pharmacist directly for a consultation tailored to your needs.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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