I wonder if chlamydia stays on a bathing suit when it is not washed, is it possible to get it back through my suit?

22-year-old womana year ago
Hi, I have a question about my sexual health. I contracted chlamydia a few months ago, I took the treatments and followed my follow up appointments so I'm back to being negative and I haven't had any unprotected sex since so everything is fine. But I have a concern about this because I put back on a bathing suit that I had worn when I contracted it and I don't think I washed it. I am wondering if the bacteria on my bathing suit is still active and that I may have recontracted it by putting back my unwashed suit.
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15 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
The bacteria that causes chlamydia does not survive very long (a few hours at most when conditions are most favorable) outside the human body. It is therefore very unlikely to be contaminated from objects, surfaces, or clothing.
I hope I've been helpful, and I'm available if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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