Is there an effective way to get rid of my cold and unclog my ear while pregnant?

30-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I have been congested and coughing for several days now. Last week, my left ear got blocked. I am 36 weeks pregnant and I don't know what to do. I'm not sleeping well and I should be resting for the birth. I am discouraged and at a loss. I use Hydrasense every day to try and get some relief, but it doesn't help.
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an hour

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 2 years ago
Your ear is blocked because of congestion in your nose and sinuses, which blocks the eustachian tube and therefore the ear. Thus, to unblock your ear, you must unblock your nose
I advise you to go, if possible, to a pharmacy or at least to call your local pharmacist who will be able to discuss the products available according to your case. If you have no contraindications, it would be possible to replace the Hydrasense with a nasal douche such as Sinus Rinse which will dislodge nasal secretions much more. In addition, it would be possible to add a decongestant spray (Otrivin, Dristan) for a maximum of 7 days, which would allow you to unblock your ear while being safe in pregnancy.
Hope to see you soon,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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