I have pain in my thigh that prevents me from walking and is getting worse?

24 -year-old man2 years ago
Hello, for the last 1-2 weeks I have had an induration on my right inner thigh that is painful to a point that prevents me from walking properly. The area is red, hot and swollen and keeps getting worse. I have no particular medical conditions but I have a family history of venous ulcers.
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20 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
The situation you describe does seem to require a medical evaluation
Indeed, the increasing redness and pain lead me to believe that there is a problem that needs to be evaluated by a doctor
I strongly suggest that you consult a doctor so as not to delay the proper treatment, if any.
Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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