Treatments for restless legs syndrome?

76 -year-old man3 years ago
Hello! I take 1.5 mg of ropinirole for restless legs. I have too many side effects: fatigue and weakness. I want to stop the ropinirole. I took 50mg of pregabalin tonight, but it doesn't work. I also have Mirapex. Since I have already taken pregabalin, can I take 1/2 tablet of 0.25mg Mirapex or 1mg ropinirole?
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10 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello sir, sorry to read about your troubles!
However, the medications that you mentioned require quite a bit of follow-up, especially if you are in the middle of adjusting your therapy or dose. I strongly advise you to direct your questions to the pharmacist who serves your medication
He/she, having all the necessary information in your file, will be much better able to advise you and ensure your safety
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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