I have had a hormonal imbalance for almost 4 months now and I have been menstruating non-stop. What are my options to make it stop?

23-year-old womanil y a un an
Hello, I have been menstruating for almost 4 months, without stopping. In fact, I had the Nexplanon contraceptive implant installed in June 2022. At the time of the installation, it was explained to me that it was possible that the implant would affect my period. So, the 3 months following the installation (June-July-August), I did some spotting a bit randomly, nothing annoying. In September, my period stopped completely. On November 22, I got my period and it hasn't stopped since. I talked to my doctor in January to see what my options were and she prescribed Lupin Estradiol (1mg dose) to be taken for 2 weeks at bedtime. She also explained to me that since Nexplanon secretes the hormone progesterone, my body is deficient in estrogen, thus creating a hormonal imbalance and ultimately, non-regular periods. During the 2 weeks of taking the hormones, my bleeding decreased, but never completely stopped. That said, on my hormone prescription, it was mentioned to resume the treatment for another 4 weeks if ineffective. After now 6 weeks of taking estrogen at 1mg per day, my bleeding had practically stopped, with only a few spottings every 3-4 days. Finally. However, I finished my 6 weeks of treatment, 3 days ago, and unfortunately, my bleeding came back abundantly, like last November. I contacted my medical clinic again to talk to my doctor, but was told that she was unavailable for an indefinite period. No way to see my doctor... So I was transferred to a walk-in clinic so I could talk to someone. The doctor I was able to talk to was of no help, not knowing what to do. I left the appointment still not knowing what to do to stop the bleeding. So I'm turning to you, full of hope and especially tired of having my period, so that you can help me to at least give me a solution...
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18 heures

Naji-tom Samaha · il y a un an
Hello ma'am, I am sorry to read about your troubles! Unfortunately this situation is beyond what can be done on this platform, you will need to consult a doctor again to get a thorough assessment of your condition and evaluate your options.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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