Can it be dangerous? Should I see a doctor or go to a pharmacy?

20-year-old womana year ago
I have a lump under one armpit. In the fold of the armpit. It's as small as a dime. It's not apparent as a pimple but well under the skin. So can't be seen by eye just by touch. Is not tender but hard to the touch.
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a day

20-year-old woman · a year ago
I have a lump under one armpit. In the hollow or the fold. It is the size of a dime. It's not like a pimple, it's not apparent to the eye, only to the touch. It's not painful or red. Should I be concerned?
David Maurier · a year ago
I think it would be best to talk to a doctor, as any mass is worth looking at. The chances are that it's nothing dangerous, so I wouldn't worry about it right now. The pharmacy won't be much help in my opinion unfortunately, especially if nothing is visible on the skin.
20-year-old woman · a year ago
Could it be a swollen lymph node?
David Maurier · a year ago
It is quite possible! There are several causes for an armpit lump. The most worrying causes are the least frequently encountered, which is why there is no reason to worry at this time!
20-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you
David Maurier · a year ago
No problem, have a nice day!

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