My cycle is about 26 days long and it says that my luteal phase is too short (about 9 days).

33-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I have been tracking my cycle in order to have a child for several months. I use ovulation tests and my cycle is about 26 days. The application tells me that my luteal phase is too short (9 days) and that this can affect fertility. Is there anything I can do to increase my luteal phase?
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9 hours

vicky m.lauzon · a year ago
Hi, I don't know which application you are using but most women have 28 day cycles so there is nothing to worry about. You should ovulate around the 12th day of the cycle. Without the need for ovulation tests, I would encourage having sex every other day from day 9 of the menstrual cycle until day 15 (day 1 being the first day of menstruation). Most women will take 6 months to get pregnant, so don't worry about it for a year. Stress will interfere with conception.
33-year-old woman · a year ago
The application is premom (the brand of my ovulation tests). For the past months, when I did the test, at day 12, it indicated that the LH level was low and it started to be very high from day 15. Can I ovulate later with a 26 day cycle? Thank you
vicky m.lauzon · a year ago
It is still a rough calculation so yes. That's why it's better to have relations every 2 days around the date

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