I run 3 times a week. I plan to get pregnant and stop the pill next week.

32-year-old woman3 years ago
What sport would you suggest to keep me moving? Since I don't know how long I will be pregnant, is it better to stop running?
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21 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello, that is a very good question.
During pregnancy, jogging can be continued, if it is of moderate intensity and if you don't have any contraindications to the sport. An example of a moderate level of exercise; being able to carry on a conversation while running. The physician monitoring your pregnancy will be able to determine if physical activity is safe and determine the recommended level of physical activity based on your medical records.
So I suggest you discuss this with your doctor and make an appointment today to plan for a healthy pregnancy. By the way, it is advisable to start taking folic acid 3 months before conception, to avoid neural tube defects. So you can also discuss this with him, or even sooner go to your pharmacist to get a multivitamin.
For more information, I advise you to go and check out this link, on which there is a wealth of information on physical activity in pregnancy: https://naitreetgrandir.com/en/pregnancy/health-well-being/physical-activity-during-pregnancy/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA962BBhCzARIsAIpWEL2jIm8aHEt_erU_oEtOUsEXgsynpnQb88dQ3fPwbuxZfvkpGkH50F8aAnaQEALw_wcB
Good luck with the continuity,
Maeva Di-Ré, Pharmacy Student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist

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