If a person is taking coumadin, can they occasionally take cannabis (only CBD-based) in oil form?

69 -year-old man3 years ago
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2 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
This is a very good question. As you probably know, Coumadin is a very narrow therapeutic index drug, meaning that a small change can increase the risk of bleeding or thrombosis. In addition, although cannabis is now legal, more research is still needed to evaluate its impact on the use of certain medications.
In connection with Coumadin, CBD, like THC, is likely to increase Coumadin levels in the blood. Thus, this interaction could increase the risk of bleeding.
If you wish to use it, however, I suggest you discuss it first with the professional who handles your INR monitoring so that blood draws can be scheduled and doses adjusted accordingly, if necessary.
Hopefully this answers your question,
Isabelle Racanelli, pharmacy student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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