What should I do, continue it and get my period in 2 weeks or stop it now

27-year-old womana year ago
I take the pill continuously for 3 months and then stop it for 1 week. I forgot to take the first one of my third pack the night before going to bed so I took it the next day when I got up. I am now having bleeding (5 days since I forgot) would it be better to stop my pack or to finish it (2 weeks and 1 day left)? Thank you
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16 hours

Pierre-Luc Tremblay · a year ago
Your body has reacted to the drop in hormones because of the oversight you had. It is common to have bleeding in this situation.
I suggest that you continue your pack until the end. In fact, it is not necessary to stop right away despite the bleeding. The bleeding should stop if you continue your contraceptive. In addition, the pill remains effective despite the bleeding.
It would also be possible to stop taking the pill for 4 to 7 days immediately and then resume taking it continuously. I recommend that you do this option if the bleeding persists.
I hope I have answered your question correctly,
Pierre-Luc Tremblay, pharmacist

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