Should I consult after a while even if his general condition is quite good. It's mostly his hacking cough that worries me.

31-year-old womana year ago
My 8 month old baby has been coughing a lot and hollow for 1 week. We are doing nasal hygiene 4-5 times a day, she has a lot of secretions. Her temperature is around 38.1, which is higher than normal. She is eating well despite everything.
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31-year-old woman · a year ago
My baby is 8 months old and has been coughing a lot and hollow for a week. Nasal hygiene needed several times a day. Anal temperature 38.1 (higher than his normal). But was generally quite
Marie-Laurence Gauthier · a year ago
A sick baby is so pitiful :( I understand your concern.
I would like to know:
  1. Is your baby having trouble breathing? (Fast breathing, wheezing, pulling: when the ribs dig in and the belly swells with each breath)
  2. How long has your baby had this low-grade fever?
  3. Is your baby drinking well? Are the diapers wet as usual?
  4. Does your baby have any known health problems?
31-year-old woman · a year ago
she has had this slight fever for 7 days. She doesn't have a draft, she is short of breath but I think it's more due to the fact that she is congested. She drinks well and eats well. She has no known health problems.
thank you for the quick response
Marie-Laurence Gauthier · a year ago
Thank you for your answers!
It is important to make sure she stays well hydrated and to offer her drinks often.
Usually we recommend consulting a doctor if the cough lasts for more than 10 days or if it is accompanied by breathing difficulties.
What is bothering me a bit here is the slight fever that persists. Since it has been several days already, I think it would be better to consult a doctor. He can check your baby's lungs and ears.
I hope this is helpful to you,
Marie-Laurence Gauthier, pharmacist.
31-year-old woman · a year ago
Perfect, thank you very much!

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