What should I do? Consult a doctor or let things take their course?

45-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I am dealing with a real acute sinusitis. I started the amoxicillin treatment yesterday. Before starting the antibiotic treatment, I had to take apo Mometasone 50mcg nasal spray. I have only used the spray twice, Monday and Tuesday. Since then, my right nostril keeps on bleeding. I blow my nose very little on the side. Kind of hard not to blow your nose when you have sinusitis! The blood is not coming out of my nostril, but it is still present in the secretions.
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3 hours

Emmanuelle Laflamme · a year ago
Hello and thank you for your question :)
Could you please tell me how many sprays you were doing with the mometasone?
2 vap per nostril once a day or 2 vap per nostril twice a day?
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you,
45-year-old woman · a year ago
2 vap. 1 time per day.
Emmanuelle Laflamme · a year ago
Okay fine.
It can happen with this type of spray that there is a nasal irritation.
I would stop it for 24-48 hours while continuing the antibiotic.
You can try it again in 2 days (if the nasal congestion is still significant-annoying).
If the bleeding starts again then you can stop it.
In fact, there is another spray of this same type called Avais that is a little gentler on the nose. If you want, your pharmacist can probably help you with that, if treatment is required despite taking an antibiotic.
(I'm rereading and I don't think I'm clear, ha ha ha ... so if this is the case for you too, don't hesitate to tell me, I'll keep the convo open).
Good day to you,
45-year-old woman · a year ago
I understood your explanations very well!
I will wait a few days and if I need it I will try it again.
Thank you and I wish you a nice day!

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