I think I have an infection from a piercing; how do I treat it?

21-year-old woman3 years ago
I think I have an ear infection from a piercing at the cartilage. The top of my ear is red, a little swollen, warm to the touch and it throws. It's tender behind the ear and towards the back of my neck (I guess it's the nodes). I got pierced a week ago and it was fine until yesterday. I disinfect with a saline spray (hydrasense) 1 to 2 times a day.
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3 hours

Laurie Hudon Germain · 3 years ago
Hello and thank you for your question!
The symptoms you described are similar to symptoms of infection.
Indeed, the main symptoms of an infection following a piercing are
  • Redness and heat around the wound;
  • Swelling in the area of the wound;
  • Excessive sensitivity or pain when touching the wound;
  • Malodorous yellowish or greenish liquid secretions.
Following the appearance of these symptoms, it is recommended to use a saline solution during the first 48 hours to promote disinfection. Cleaning the piercing twice a day with saline water is the only treatment that can be considered over the counter.
On the other hand, if the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours or if you notice the appearance of a fever (>38°C), I would advise you to present yourself to a doctor for an evaluation and to avoid any kind of complications. Indeed, the infection could require the use of an antibiotic to allow its healing.
I hope to have answered your question and wish you a good day.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
-Feriel Rechoum, Pharmacy Student
Under the supervision of Laurie Hudon-Germain, Pharmacist

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