My 2 year old boy has a lot of coughing, what can we do?

33-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I suspect laryngitis in my 2 year old boy. He has a dog barking cough and when he cries, especially when he is lying down, he makes stridor until he calms down. He does not have a fever.
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13 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
How long have you noticed this?
Does he have any other symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose?
Have you tried anything for this?
33-year-old woman · a year ago
Yesterday at his nap time, the educator told me that he had a cough as if he was gasping for air. At home last night, when he coughed it sounded like he was crying and the next few minutes, when he was breathing, he had a raspy sound. We went outside with him and it seemed to calm down. His nose is not running, we do a sinus rinse 2x a day (morning and evening), there is a little secretion that comes out but not much.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information, I am sorry for the delay in my response, I had not seen the notification!
Considering the situation, I encourage you to perform nasal hygiene as often as necessary during the day and at least 30 minutes before bedtime. A teaspoon of honey can also help relieve the cough.
Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids according to his or her preference. If the situation persists for more than 7 days without improvement, you should consult a doctor
In the meantime, I will be available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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