My 7 month old son is constipated?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello my son (7 months 1 week) is 38,0 since 24h I know that the temparature is 38,5 but I give him tylenol because he is chigneux +++, otherwise he doesn't seem to see any other synptoma except that he is constipated and has a lot of gas that disturbs his sleep. What can I do for his constipation, I am breastfeeding ++, he drinks very little water with the goblet... I give prune puree... Note that he already had a urinary infection at 4 months old
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2 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
Many of the points you made point to non-pharmacological measures, including encouraging your child to drink more. At 7 months of age, he should now be drinking not only breast milk but also liquids in the other foods you give him, such as cereal
Increasing the amount of liquid in the cereal, even just a little bit, may help. Also, you mentioned how he refuses to drink the cup, but I still encourage you to keep trying to give it to him. It's not only a good way to prevent constipation, but also to lower the temperature.
I hope this helps, and I'm available if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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