My spouse received a wood chip on the eyelid yesterday at work. What should we do?

25 -year-old man5 years ago
This morning, he has pain in his eye, he has difficulty opening it but has no trace of injury since the impact was outside the eye. I would like to know what we can apply on/in the eye to decrease the inflammation and pain! Thanks :) * Allergy to penicilin
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2 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
How has the situation changed since the incident? Is her pain getting worse?
The risk with an injury like this is that it's not the eyelid that hurts, but rather the eye underneath, which is much more sensitive to impact.
If the pain remains today, you'll want to consider seeing an optometrist to have her fundus looked at with specialized devices.
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
I hope my advice was helpful to you!
Don't hesitate to write me again if you have any questions.
Tell me about it,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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